Weakness which the student does not perceive since he does not know but which torments the teacher more and more the more he knows. The novice teacher has the satisfaction of conscientiously imparting his knowledge. However as these become deeper they are transmitted with greater difficulty as happens with everything essential. In other words we are faced with the oxymoronic situation of a teacher who because he knows something very well finds it difficult to convey it. And when he says about something that it is so at the same time he knows that it is not exactly so. Except that not exactly gets to the point and that’s why it slips away. The teacher’s other regret is the realization no longer of his general and abstract inability to get his message across but of his concrete failure to get it across and get it across to a particular student.
And no matter how successful he has been with e-commerce photo editing most of them failing with even one gives him feelings of guilt. The failure to achieve communication is a reasonable thing in a relationship especially when this relationship contains elements of mental and moral authority such as the teacherstudent relationship. And of course no one is responsible for that or at least they shouldn’t be. But the teacher will lay the greatest fault on himself considering that he was in a position to anticipate the reactions with greater composure and to diagnose in time the causes and occasions that caused them. These considerations take on greater weight when as fortunately in my case the student chooses the teacher who is not forced upon them through an educational system.
In the latter case we have familiar perhaps successful but not free and personal choice. The choice is often accompanied by a material remuneration of the teacher and then the bond is more intense and more balanced since the material remuneration is more pure and definite than the moral one which burdens the relationship with weight even immeasurable. Some may consider that by his students is an element that alters the relationship. On the contrary I believe it is an element that strengthens the relationship because it creates an experiential dependence. After all that’s how it’s always been with teachers in history before this responsibility is also transferred to the overprotective state. Anyone who was lucky enough to support their parents before they died can understand the tenderness that the relationship acquires.